Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori freed from prison on humanitarian grounds

Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori has been released from prison on humanitarian grounds despite a request from a regional human rights court to debounce his release.

Main event: Alberto Fujimori, 85, was freed from prison where he was serving a 25-year sentence for the slayings of 25 Peruvians by death squads in the 1990s.
* Fujimori was accused of being the mastermind behind the killings that took place while the government fought the Shining Path communist rebels.
* Upon release, dozens of supporters awaited him outside the prison and swarmed the vehicle as it attempted to move.

Organization involvement: The decision of Fujimori’s release has caused tension between Peruvian and international institutions.
* Peru’s constitutional court ordered the immediate release of Fujimori, overriding a request from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights for delay to study the ruling.
* However, in 2018, under pressure from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the country’s Supreme Court overturned a previous pardon granted to Fujimori and ordered his return to prison.

Victim’s perspective: The release of Fujimori raises concerns for the victims’ families and human rights organizations.
* Gisela Ortiz, sister of one of the victims, voiced her frustration stating, “Peru gives the image of a country where the rights of victims are not guaranteed and where human rights issues have no importance.”
* United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk, referred to the release of Fujimori as a “worrying setback.”

Historic scandal: Fujimori’s tenure as president was marked by economic improvement, dissolution of Congress and military crackdowns.
* While his policies improved the country’s economy, they also led to accusations and convictions for severe human rights abuses.
* He was accused of being responsible for two massacres and resigning and fleeing the country in disgrace after leaked videotapes showed his spy chief bribing lawmakers.
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