With an inconclusive counteroffensive, Ukraine looks toward an anxious winter

After six months, Ukraine’s counteroffensive to retake Russian-occupied land has not delivered the expected results, leading the country to face an uncertain winter.

Counteroffensive status: Ukraine’s counteroffensive, launched in late spring, has been less successful than initial expectations.
* The front line has remained mostly unchanged since the summer, with Ukraine regaining less than 100 square miles of territory.
* Russian forces continue attempts to assert control in the east, leading to public exhaustion and calls for the end of the conflict.

Ground war outlook: Despite dissatisfaction with the progress of the ground war, there have been successful Ukrainian attacks on Russian military targets.
* Ukrainian forces have stepped up use of sea drones and Storm Shadow missiles to attack Russian positions in the peninsula of Crimea and disrupt key Russian military supply routes.
* It is argued, predominantly by retired Lt. Gen. Ben Hodges, that the pressure of a counteroffensive should remain on Crimea for Ukraine to win this war.

International aid issues: Ukrainian support from Western allies is being threatened by various factors.
* U.S. military and economic aid is predicted to run out, with little hope for congressional approval of new aid before the end of the month.
* Additional funding from the European Union is potentially at risk due to the influence of pro-Kremlin leaders in member countries like Hungary.

Public sentiment: The public remains hopeful, albeit with diminished optimism, for the conclusion of the conflict and the future of Ukraine.
* Expectations had risen with each month of the counteroffensive, culminating in disappointment with the meager progress, particularly when compared to the first successful counteroffensive in late 2022.
* Public opinion polls show that while trust in President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has dropped since last year, three quarters of Ukrainians still support him.
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