Reuters releases investigation finding Israeli tank fire killed 1 of its journalists

Investigations by news organizations and human rights groups suggest that Israeli tank fire was responsible for the death of a Reuters journalist near the Lebanese border in October, a claim disputed by the Israeli military.

The incident: Lebanese video journalist Issam Abdallah was killed and Agence France-Presse photographer Christina Assi severely wounded in an Israeli tank round attack on October 13.
* The news teams were covering clashes along the Israel-Lebanon border where Israeli forces and Hezbollah were exchanging fire.
* All were wearing protective vests and helmets, most marked with “PRESS,” and reported from the same location for over an hour prior to the attack.

Investigative findings: Both news organizations and human rights groups including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have concluded that Israeli forces should have known they were targeting journalists.
* According to Reuters, an Israeli helicopter had hovered above before the first strike, and one press vehicle had tape spelling out “TV” on its roof.
* The reports released found no evidence of military targets near the journalists and evidence of Israeli tank round shrapnel was found at the scene.

Israeli stance: The Israeli military, which previously professed it does not target journalists, declared an investigation on the incident, with results yet to be announced.

Impact on media personnel: The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas has been one of the deadliest for the media in recent history, with 63 journalists and media workers confirmed dead since the Gaza war started.
* Abdallah and Assi were more than half a mile from the border with Israel when they were attacked.
* Abdallah was instantly killed, while Assi had her leg severed and remains in hospital.
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